Oil & Gas Drilling Fluids | Completion Chemicals
Guar Powder
PECOGEL-P 3035 is a clean, natural guar gum for fracturing fluid applications. PECOGEL-P 3035 has excellent hydration properties that allow for both batch mixing and on-the-fly addition. The high quality and high purity of this product means that both lower polymer loadings can be achieved and fewer impurities are deposited downhole, in each case, resulting in cleaner, higher permeability wells. FANN 35 viscosity for PECOGEL-P 3035 is as follows: 3 minutes – 29-31 cps; 60 minutes – 34-36 cps.
Guar Powder
PECOGEL-P 3540 is a clean, natural guar gum for fracturing fluid applications. PECOGEL-P 3540 has excellent hydration properties that allow for both batch mixing and on-the-fly addition. The high quality and high purity of this product means that both lower polymer loadings can be achieved and fewer impurities are deposited downhole, in each case, resulting in cleaner, higher permeability wells. FANN 35 viscosity for PECOGEL-P 3540 is as follows: 3 minutes – 34-36 cps; 60 minutes – 39-41 cps
Guar Powder
PECOGEL-P 4045 is a clean, natural guar gum for fracturing fluid applications. PECOGEL-P 4045 has excellent hydration properties that allow for both batch mixing and on-the-fly addition. The high quality and high purity of this product means that both lower polymer loadings can be achieved and fewer impurities are deposited downhole, in each case, resulting in cleaner, higher permeability wells. FANN 35 viscosity for PECOGEL-P 4045 is as follows: 3 minutes – 38-40 cps; 60 minutes – 44-46 cps.
Guar Slurry
PECOGEL-S series are clean, natural guar gum slurries (available in both 4.0 lb. and 4.5 lb. concentrates) in environmentally friendly, non-regulated, 0-BTEX mineral oil for fracturing fluid applications. PECOGEL-S series slurries have excellent hydration properties that allow for both batch mixing and on-the-fly addition. The high quality and high purity of these products means that both lower polymer loadings can be achieved and fewer impurities are deposited downhole, in each case, resulting in cleaner, higher permeability wells.
Instant Borate Crosslinker
PECOLINK 100 is a self-buffering, highly efficient and cost effective borate-based crosslinker for fracturing fluids based on guar or derivitized guar. It requires no pH control additives (as it contains pH control agents) and thus is an economical and easy to use product for any application where an instant gel activator is desired or required. PECOLINK 100 is strongly alkaline and contains no carbonates which can cause precipitation of solids in high-calcium waters.
Delayed Borate Crosslinker
PECOLINK 215 is a 1:00 – 2:00 minute, self-buffering time delayed borate crosslinker for guar-based fracturing fluids. PECOLINK 215 comes in the form of environmentally friendly liquid slurry for ease of use. This product allows for the adjustment of the gel crosslinking time by manipulating the pH and activator loadings.
Delayed Borate Crosslinker
PECOLINK 230 is a 1:30 – 3:00 minute, self-buffering time delayed borate crosslinker for guar-based fracturing fluids. PECOLINK 230 comes in the form of environmentally friendly liquid slurry for ease of use. This product allows for the adjustment of the gel crosslinking time by manipulating the pH and activator loadings.
Delayed Borate Crosslinker
PECOLINK 240 is a 2:00 – 4:00 minute, self-buffering time delayed borate crosslinker for guar-based fracturing fluids. PECOLINK 240 comes in the form of environmentally friendly liquid slurry for ease of use. This product allows for the adjustment of the gel crosslinking time by manipulating the pH and activator loadings.
Instant Zirconium Crosslinker
PECOLINK-Z 100 is an aqueous zirconium oxychloride-based crosslinker in an alcohol solution that is highly efficient and cost effective for fracturing fluids based on guar and derivitized guar. It works in a pH range of 4.0 – 11.0 and temperatures up to 400°F, thus making is useful for a broad range of applications.
Zirconium Crosslinker Initializer
PECOLINK-Z 150 is a highly efficient, alcohol-based gel crosslinker for fracturing fluids based on guar and derivitized guar (particularly, CMHPG), and very useful for providing initial viscosity for zirconium-based crosslinker systems at the surface at room temperature. It works in a pH range of 7.0 – 12.0 and at temperatures up to 400°F, thus making it useful for a broad range of applications.
PECOLINK-Z 200 Series
Delayed Zirconium Crosslinker
PECOLINK-Z 200 series crosslinkers are zirconium-based in an alcohol solution that have built-in delay mechanisms. They are highly efficient and cost effective crosslinkers for fracturing fluids based on guar and derivitized guar (particularly, CMHPG). They work in a pH range of 4.0 – 11.0 and a temperature range between 150 – 400°F, thus making them useful for a broad range of applications.
Powdered Enzyme Breaker
PECOBREAK 100 is a powdered enzyme breaker designed to break guar and derivitized guar-based fracturing fluids, as well as cellulose and its derivatives. PECOBREAK 100 is highly effective primarily for linear fluids at low to moderate pH and at temperatures below 160°F
High pH Liquid Enzyme Breaker
PECOBREAK 150 is a double-strength breaker designed to break guar and derivitized guar-based fracturing fluids, as well as cellulose and its derivatives. PECOBREAK 150 is highly effective up to a fluid pH of 10.0 and at temperatures below 160°F (may be used at higher temperatures, but effectiveness decreases as temperature increases).
Powdered Oxidizer - Ammonium Persulfate-based
PECOBREAK 200 is a powdered oxidizer for use as a breaker agent in guar and derivitized guar-based fracturing fluids. It is a powerful breaker that is both highly efficient and cost effective. PECOBREAK 200 is effective at temperatures above 130°F.
Powdered Oxidizer - Sodium Persulfate-based
PECOBREAK 250 is a powdered oxidizer for use as a breaker agent in guar and derivitized guar-based fracturing fluids. It is a powerful breaker that is both highly efficient and cost effective. PECOBREAK 250 is effective at temperatures above 130°F.
Encapsulated Breaker - High Temperature
PECOBREAK 300 is an encapsulated oxidizing breaker used in hydraulic fracturing applications, designed for use in higher temperature applications (BHST 140 to 225°F). PECOBREAK 300 slowly releases the active agent into the fracturing fluid, which allows a delayed break of the fracturing fluid or increased breaker concentrations to be used. Higher concentrations of PECOBREAK 300 will improve proppant pack clean-up, enhancing fracture conductivity.
Encapsulated Breaker - Low Temperature
PECOBREAK 350 is an encapsulated oxidizing breaker used in hydraulic fracturing applications, designed for use in low temperature applications (BHST ≤ 140°F). PECOBREAK 350 slowly releases the active agent into the fracturing fluid, which allows a delayed break of the fracturing fluid or increased breaker concentrations to be used. Since PECOBREAK 350 is a solid, it will not be lost to the formation during fluid leak-off. With these attributes, improved fracture conductivity can be attained using PECOBREAK 350.
Slurried Breaker - High Temperature
PECOBREAK 400 is a slurry in an environmentally friendly oil (0-BTEX) using an alkaline oxidizer as the active agent. PECOBREAK 400 is used as a delayed breaker for fracturing fluids containing guar or derivitized guar-based fluids at higher temperatures.
Slurried Breaker - Low Temperature
PECOBREAK 450 is a slurry in an environmentally friendly oil (0-BTEX) using an alkaline oxidizer as the active agent. PECOBREAK 450 is used as a delayed breaker for fracturing fluids containing guar or derivitized guar-based fluids at lower temperatures.
Anionic - Fresh Water
PECOSLICK 100 is a high molecular weight copolymer designed to enhance the water displacement in oil wells by considerably reducing the friction pressure experienced at very high flow rates. PECOSLICK 100 is useful in various industrial applications, such as industrial water and waste water clarification, lubrication in drilling mud and thickening and as a friction reducer additive.
Anionic - High Brine/Divalent
PECOSLICK 200 is a high molecular weight copolymer designed to perform well in a wider variety of waters allowing for inventory of fewer products in the warehouse.
PECOSLICK 200 is an anionic polymer emulsion that breaks quickly in high brines (unlike most emulsion products) and is useful in various industrial applications, such as industrial water and waste water clarification, lubrication in drilling mud and thickening and as a friction reducer additive. -
PECOSLICK 300 is a high molecular weight copolymer designed to perform well in water based fracturing fluids, acids and brines. PECOSLICK 300 is a cationic polymer emulsion useful in various industrial applications, such as industrial water and waste water clarification, lubrication in drilling mud and thickening and as a friction reducer additive.
High pH Buffer
PECOBUFF 100 is a liquid alkaline buffer for application in pH buffering of guar and derivitized guar-based fracturing fluids. PECOBUFF 100 load rates can be modified to provide systems with a pH ranging from 9.0 to 12.0 to meet individual treatment requirements.
Low pH Buffer
PECOBUFF 200 is a liquid acidic buffer for application in pH buffering of guar and derivitized guar-based fracturing fluids. PECOBUFF 200 load rates can be modified to provide systems with a pH ranging from 3.0 to 6.0 to meet individual treatment requirements.
Powdered Biocide
PECOCIDE 100 is an effective, low cost dry antimicrobial agent. It is used as a preservative in both terrestrial and offshore drilling muds and packer fluids to control contamination and degradation of a wide range of gels and fluids, including fracturing, enhanced oil recovery, injection, drilling, waterflood, workover and completion fluids. PECOCIDE 100 may be used to inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria in guar based or other polysaccharide based fluids.
Liquid Biocide
PECOCIDE 200 is an effective, low cost, anti-microbial agent for use in oilfield applications such as stimulation and fracturing fluids, drilling muds, workover or completion fluids, water treatment and waterflood applications.
Metal Lubricant
PECOLUBE 100 is an organic polymer lubricant for water-based drilling fluids, as well as for Olefin enhanced muds. PECOLUBE 100 allows the formulation of muds with exceptional friction reduction properties where steel-to-steel and steel-to-formation contact is present. Using PECOLUBE 100 creates a unique type of drilling fluid showing both excellent dynamic and static performance that is indicated by low friction factors and improved rheology values. Return permeability tests show no formation damage and in some cases an improvement in return permeability. When used in coil tubing and snubbing operations, friction is reduced to levels that have previously not been achieved.
PECOMUL 30-N is a highly effective non-ionic, non-emulsifier that prevents emulsions in both acid and fracturing fluids and is designed (a) to have excellent compatibility with a variety of acidizing or fracturing compounds such as corrosion inhibitors, iron control agents, anti-sludge agents, gelling agents and crosslinkers and (b) to deliver a very low surface tension, aiding in wettability and water recovery. PECOMUL 30-N contains surfactants which deliver superior break times normally within 60 seconds even in the presence of crude oils with a high probability for sludge build-up.
Microemulsion/Formation Cleaner
PECOMUL 60-M is a mixture of surfactants and a mutual solvent in a solvent base that cleans and water wets the formation for a more efficient unloading and breakdown of wells. PECOMUL 60-M lowers the surface tension of water and breaks agglomerations of clays in the formation, removing blockages and lowering the breakdown pressure of the well, as well as greatly increasing production, particularly in wells producing wet gas and oil.
Acid Corrosion Inhibitor - Low Temperature
PECORRODE 100 is a low temperature corrosion inhibitor designed to give excellent protection when in contact with common oil and gas well steel conduits in acidizing applications. PECORRODE 100 is effective in 28% HCl acid solutions at temperatures up to 200°F and greater than 200°F in 15% HCl acid solutions. Higher concentrations of PECORRODE 100 may be used at higher temperatures if certain types of steel are being used. PECORRODE 100 also shows excellent performance and solubility in HCl-based systems designed for use in industrial applications.
Acid Corrosion Inhibitor - Low to Moderate Temperature
PECORRODE 200 is a low to moderate temperature corrosion inhibitor designed to give excellent protection when in contact with common oil and gas well steel conduits in acidizing applications. PECORRODE 200 is effective in 28% HCl acid solutions at temperatures up to 250°F and greater than 250°F in 15% HCl acid solutions. Higher concentrations of PECORRODE 200 may be used at higher temperatures if certain types of steel are being used. PECORRODE 200 also shows excellent performance and solubility in HCl-based systems designed for use in industrial applications.
Acid Corrosion Inhibitor - Moderate to High Temperature
PECORRODE 300 is a moderate to high temperature corrosion inhibitor designed to give excellent protection when in contact with common oil and gas well steel conduits in acidizing applications. PECORRODE 300 has no aromatic solvents, alkyl phenols, quaternaries or heavy metals, and is effective in all HCl acid strengths up to 28%. PECORRODE 300 is able to provide corrosion protection up to 350°F.
High Temperature Stabilizer
PECOSTAB 175 is a liquid additive for the stabilization of guar and derivitized guar based fracturing fluids at high temperatures.
Control Agent - Clay Control
PECOTROL 100 is a highly concentrated liquid clay control additive (non-surface active organic salts in an aqueous solution) for use in oilfield applications. Unlike many other similar products, PECOTROL 100 has very low toxicity and contains no surfactants.
Control Agent - Scale Control
PECOTROL 200 is a phosphorous based chemical in an aqueous solution and used for the prevention of scale buildup. PECOTROL 200 is extremely effective at preventing calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate scale, as well as inhibiting barium sulfate scale. PECOTROL 200 can tolerate very high concentrations of salt (NaCl, KCl), increased levels of metal impurities in solutions and higher alkalinity levels.
Control Agent - Combination Scale and Clay Control
PECOTROL 300 is a mixture of organic compounds in an aqueous based solution for the prevention of scale buildup and inhibition of the swelling of formation clays. PECOTROL 300 is very effective at preventing calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate scale, as well as inhibiting barium sulfate scale. PECOTROL 300 can tolerate very high concentrations of salt (NaCl, KCl) and increased levels of metal impurities in solution. PECOTROL 300 also contains a highly concentrated ingredient for an efficient clay control additive.